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AGRAS Series Drones Provide Solutions For All Types of Agriculture!

DJI’s AGRAS Series drones provide farmers the ability to aerially apply a variety of agricultural products.

Great for applications of:

  • Fungicides and Insecticides
  • Pasture/Grassland Herbicides
  • Broad Acre Herbicides
  • Phragmites Control
  • Cover Crops/Inter-seeding
  • Fence Row and Spot Spraying

The New AGRAS T50-See it in action!

The New AGRAS T50 leverages a dual optimizing spraying system, front and rear phased array radars, and a binocular vision system.


The AGRAS T40 boasts an impressive 50 acres per flight hour application speed as well as a 10.5 gallon liquid tank and a 110 pound capacity dry box.

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